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tv   Weekend Early Start  CNN  February 2, 2013 3:00am-4:00am PST

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when i was young, i heard about global warming and i knew there was huge consequences for this huge problem. i got together with my friends and we found out that you could actually turn oil into batteries for fuel. because many families in my own town couldn't afford to heat their homes, i thought what if we could recycle waste cooking oil to heat the homes of these local families. ♪ who's going to save the world ♪ >> we made a difference. so can you. ♪ who's going to >> we were worried about keeping our kids warm and having hot water. >> i was talking about biodiesel and could not get anywhere with it. she came along and did it, to get restaurants to recycle their grease. >> our goal is to promote the use of alternative energy. >> the fact it was coming from kids made it hit home a lot
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harder. the child shall lead them sort of thing. ♪ >> she set the example for the town and it is great that westerly has a person that we can be very proud of and tell the rest of the country, look what we're doing on the shore. >> if everyone gave a little something back and took a little time out of their day to do something for others, the world would be a better place. something for others, the world would be a better place. from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, this is "early start weekend." as a standoff in alabama enters its fifth day, a 5-year-old boy remains hostage underground. now, new information about his captor. sex, lies, and murder, the jodi arias case is unfolding like a late night movie. i'll talk with nancy grace who has been inside the courtroom all week. and forget all that
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exercise, are there foods that can burn your fat? we'll break down the facts and the myths. it is saturday, february 2nd, good morning, everyone, glad you're with us. i'm randi kaye. we start in alabama and the desperate waiting game for police and the parents of one little boy. the 5-year-old is being held underground for a fifth straight day while police wait outside his makeshift prison. negotiating with the person who grabbed him off a school bus earlier this week. my colleague victor blackwell is keeping an eye on the story and joins me now on the telephone. good morning. do they keep talking with this suspect throughout the night? >> reporter: well, from the latest we've received from local, state and federal investigators, this negotiating continues around the clock. now, what we do know what happened overnight was that the temperature, the temperature dipped below freezing for the
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first time during this ordeal, and we've learned from sources close to the negotiating process that they likely had heating in this bunker. so this -- the temperature was moderated overnight. but we have learned more about this potential relationship between this man who has the boy in the bunker and the man he shot on tuesday. we're told that the bus driver would drive at the end of the road that led up to his property. and from everyone we've spoken with, the neighbors, jimmy lee dikes was very protective of his property, walked the property line some nights with a gun and flashlight and he was angered by this man poland driving over his property. we've been actually told by a friend who has known poland for 20 years that charles poland
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went to dikes with homemade jellies and tried to smooth things over. that did not work. and possibly, according to his friend, driving over his road at the end of the day every day of the route was the catalyst for what happened on tuesday. authorities here have not said much in the past two days. on thursday, they canceled any news conference they held. on friday, they came out to say there's nothing new to say. they're keeping all the facts close to the vest. day five of this standoff. >> and victor, do police have any idea how long this suspect could stay and survive in this bunker? >> reporter: if they know, they have not told us. this man is described as a survivalist. he went out as we're told by neighbors, dug this bunker by hand. we've spoken with neighbors who have seen him and heard him at odd hours of the night. 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 in the morning digging. and as a survivalist, the assumption is, no confirmation
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from authorities, that he could have food in there for a long period of time. supplies to last them for who knows how long. but, again, day five and we'll see how long this goes, randi. >> thank you. to california now where a member of charles manson's so-called family could be getting out of prison. davis was sentenced to life in prison along with charles manson himself back in 1972. they were convicted in connection with the murders of two men at the family ranch. davis wasn't involved in the more notorious murder of sharon tate. his parole was blocked by arnold schwarzenegger three years ago. current governor jerry brown has three days to decide if davis will be set free. in illinois, a convicted murderer who was mistakenly released now back behind bars this morning. police captured steven robbins 60 miles from chicago. on tuesday, robbins was supposed to be transferred back to the indiana prison where he's
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serving a 60-year sentence. investigators aren't saying what led them to the hiding spot. now to security concerns at twitter, the social media site says around 250,000 accounts were compromised by hackers. they gained access to user names and e-mail addresses, twitter security chief says they stopped one attack as it was happening. they believe the breach may be linked to similar ones by suspected chinese hackers on the "new york times" and the "wall street journal". at least 60 harvard students have been forced to temporarily withdraw from school after being linked to a cheating scandal. harvard's investigation came to light last august. 125 students allegedly cheated on a take-home exam. to your money now, and a milestone for wall street. for the first time since 2007, the dow jones closed above 14,000. the stock market's rise has put it back in line with more prosperous times. alison kosik has more now. >> okay, randi.
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party like it's 2007. on friday, the dow closed above 14,000. it's a milestone we haven't seen since 2007. but here at the nyse, we hardly heard a peep from traders when it happened. no hooting and hollering like in years past. maybe it's the been there, done that attitude. still, the dow hit the mark thanks so upbeat economic data. wall street saw the january jobs report as good enough even though investors really expected better. also, consumer confidence and manufacturing rose. that pushed stocks over the edge. but the momentum has been there for a while. the dow has been powering higher ever since it hit rock bottom back in 2009. it fell as low as 6,500. so hitting 14,000 is a reminder of the comeback. but most analysts we talked to say it really doesn't mean much. instead, they've got their eyes on the next big one. >> these are certainly nice round numbers. i personally think it'll be more of an event once we breakthrough
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that october 2007 all-time high. that is more of a milestone than just going through a thousand marker which, we again, have done before. >> and it's that all-time high of 14,164 that we're watching for now. randi, back to you. >> thank you very much. and here's a closer look now at the january jobs number. the latest report showed that 157,000 jobs were added last month while the unemployment ticked up a notch. friday's report showed construction was a bright spot. it's coming back stronger as the housing market shows signs of life. well, today is groundhog day which according to folklore means the colder weather could soon be behind us. you're looking at live pictures of punxsutawney, pennsylvania, where punxsutawney phil is
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expected to shuffle out of his borough in about an hour from now to predict if there's an early spring or six more weeks of winter. well, until he comes out, though, we'll have to rely on alexandra steele. we think you're more reliable an any groundhog. >> he's got a 39% accuracy rate, just for the record. >> you're better than that. >> i can do that. but, you know, of the last 116 times, he's seen his shadow 100 of those times. the propensity to see his shadow. and last year he saw his shadow seeing six more weeks of winter and we had the fourth warmest on record. at 7:25, it'll be cold, don't need him for that. and windchill will feel like four below. pennsylvania will be cold, no question about it. and we'll watch this clipper move through. snow showers, nothing too robust, but from chicago to
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cinnci and cleveland, 1 to 3 inches. temperatures are cold, no question about that. and we do have winter weather advisory. you can see, tennessee, kentucky, here in west virginia. northwest and also southwest pennsylvania. so on the whole, a little bit of snow moving through, but certainly the cold air is well in place and a little bit of this moisture, of course, snow showers. but temperatures well below average for so much of the country. highs today, only 25 in albany, 19 in binghamton, 20s and 30s here in the northeast down through the mid-atlantic. the twin cities, 12 today, 16 tomorrow, on average 25, so well below average from green bay to chicago, no question about that. temperatures are well below average and the windchills feeling like 13 below right now in fargo. 14 below in minneapolis. so how about the forecast for the big game? you going to be watching? here's a look. it's going to be tomorrow. of course, we know that. 6:30 kickoff. outdoor, it is indoors, that temperature's 70, but out there, we're tailgating, 60 degrees, no problems weather wise.
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and sunny skies. so a big weekend. we've got the game tomorrow, groundhog day today, a lot of weather to talk about. >> thank you very much. and, of course, stick around because we will see what punxsutawney phil says here. >> with bated breath. we'll have the voice mails and the hoaxster doing the voice. [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits. delicious. but say i press a few out flat...
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add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. pillsbury grands biscuits. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. when the doctor told me that i could smoke
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pizza! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! helium delivery. put it on my spark card! [ pop! ] [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve great rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? welcome back. now to the scandal that's captured the nation's attention. how a 22-year-old man tricked notre dame football star manti
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te'o into believing he was not only a woman but the love of te'o's life. he shared a voice mail he says was from his girlfriend. >> i'm just calling to say good night. i love you, i know you're probably doing homework or with the boys. i love you and good night. if you thought that voice sounded like a woman's, well, you fell for it too. tuiasosopo told dr. phil that was actually him on the recording. he asked him to do the voice to prove it was him. he agreed to do it but only behind a privacy screen. >> hey, i'm just calling to say good night and i love you. i know that you're probably doing homework or with the boys, but i just wanted to say i love you. and good night. >> dr. phil asked him to do the voice again, this time leaving a
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voice mail from his home phone while a producer from the show watched. >> hey, babe, i'm calling to say good night, i love you, i know you're doing homework or with the boys. i just want to say i love you, good night. and i'll be okay. i'll be okay tonight. i'll do my best. so get your rest and i'll talk to you tomorrow and i love you so much, hon. sweet dreams. >> dr. phil said that three voice analysts heard the last recording said the voice matched the one on the original voice mails. tuiasosopo said there was no malice behind pretending to be the girlfriend and said he fell in love with the football player. listen to how he invested he was in the relationship. >> me, i was hurting. it hit me like a brick wall. i was like, whoa, you know, i've given so much into this. and i realized right then in that moment that i poured so
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much into lennay that i, myself, wasn't getting nothing. look what i was left with. i was crying that morning, hurt, all kinds of things took over. so right then and there i made the decision i can't do this le lennay thing. >> when he asked why, he said he endured abuse as a child. blackberry reveals a new phone, and volkswagen unveils a controversial new ad. in case you missed it all, a look back at the week that was. a dramatic, emotional statement. >> we must do something. >> hillary clinton is in her final days of secretary of state. >> i have no plans to run. >> take a good long look at it, blackberry 10. >> the business depends on this new phone. >> a brand new blackberry, fresh new start, and a bold, opening statement this week that was. >> time is now.
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you must act. >> with just 72 words, former house member gabrielle gifford set the tone at wednesday's senate hearing on gun violence. >> be bold, be courageous. >> but the nra set a different one. >> law-abiding gun owners will not accept blame for the acts of violent or deranged criminals. >> we can't have a totally armed society. >> reporter: there was some agreement, though. >> you look pretty good, actually. >> there was actually some agreement on immigration policy this week. eight senators introducing a bipartisan blueprint for a complete overhaul. >> i think today's an important first step. >> president obama warned a first step alone won't be good enough. >> if congress is unable to move forward in a timely fashion, i will send up a bill based on my proposal and insist they vote on it right away. >> politics.
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something hillary clinton won't have to worry about now. she's officially done as secretary of state. what could possibly be next? >> have you decided that you absolutely will not run. >> well, i have absolutely no plans to run. i am trying to finish my term as secretary of state. and the president and i had a good laugh the other night. >> during this exchange on cbs. >> you guys in the press are incorrigible. i was literally inaugurated four days. and you're talking about elections four years from now. >> so who knows, maybe we will see more texts from hillary in the future. blackberry would like that. the company unveiled a new phone and new name this week. >> from this point forward rimm becomes blackberry. >> not the most original. but how's the product? >> i love the new browser, it's super fast. >> alicia keys is paid to say that as blackberry's new creative director.
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meantime, volkswagen did unveiling of its own this week. not the car, but this super bowl ad. >> don't fret, the sticky bun come soon. yeah. wicked coffee, mr. jim. >> it's called get in, get happy. >> white guy, jamaican accent, cue the controversy. >> and already getting hit with accusations that it's racist. >> i don't like that. >> oh, well, not everyone can be happy. ♪ we'll make you happy >> and that's the week that was. cbs is refusing to play a super bowl ad made for an adult at the same time website. we'll show you the ad and let you decide if it should be banned from sunday's big game.
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there are new allegations aimed at new york yankee star alex rodriguez. a new report from espn said rodriguez was personally injected with performance-enhancing drugs by the owner of a clinic in south florida. we now have this from a-rod spokesman in regards to the new allegations made in today's espn "outside the line" story, we can say they are not true. espn is investigating the clinic and claims several other players are involved. it closed down last year.
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v.j. sing could be in trouble after admitting he used deer antler spray. he says he didn't know the product, a natural hormone contains a banned substance. ray lewis who is expected to start in tomorrow's super bowl is accused of using deer antler spray to recover from a mid-season injury. lewis denies that claim. to youtube or not to youtube, that is the question now that marketers are premiering their so-called super bowl ads online days and weeks ahead of the big game. alexandra steele joins me to talk about some of these ads. i haven't had a chance to see some of these, be you had a good look at them. >> yeah, i've seen the most of them. it's incredible now. the trend is more longer, more story telling, and releasing all these early on youtube is really what they want and to create this buzz which has been done. >> now you have to watch an ad to watch the ad. you have to watch an ad before the ad. >> the advertisers are getting two bangs for the buck. >> exactly.
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>> we wanted to talk about this mercedes benz ad with this blond bombshell kate upton. take a look. ♪ all right. so what do you think? that was pretty hot. too sexy? >> it's 6 million hits on youtube already. so, i mean, advertisers with this one certainly patting themselves on the back. they're trying to sell this new cla mercedes benz, and we're talking about it. so it's a win. the best if you like it, the worst is if you don't. but if you're not talking about it, that's really the worst. >> we've got one more. i mean, talk about sexy, right? the 16-second calvin klein preview. made my producer flip out in our show meeting. so watch this. ♪ >> you like it?
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>> i do like it. >> his name is matthew terry, and he's a model. this speaks to 60% of women versus 47% of men watch the advertisements. so this is who they're talking to. >> somebody i think on youtube said it was the best 16 seconds ever. i might have to agree with that. that was pretty good. finally a pornography site. yes a porn site made an ad of its own, but cbs refused to air it. so take a look at this one. ♪ >> not. >> so that's from pornhub. cbs won't air that because it's for a pornhub website and place. but the thing is, how ironic, right? ultimate irony when the others are so sexy and that is so not. but critics say the dust up on
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that is a publicity opportunity for pornhub. who's ever heard of pornhub? >> and they're getting the attention anyway. >> right. >> thank you very much. >> i can't wait to watch. now you know everything. >> well, there's plenty more. we'll watch. it's a long game. since we are one day away from super bowl xlvii, cnn is live in new orleans with our take on the biggest sporting event of the country. kickoff in new orleans is today at 4:00 p.m. eastern time. hillary clinton wraps up her time in public service with an emotional farewell. a thank you to the president and two crises overseas. we'll take a look back at her busy final day as secretary of state. something this delicious could only come from nature. new nectresse. the 100% natural no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. new nectresse. sweetness naturally.
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new nectresse. all right that's a fifth-floor probleok.. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. two. three. my credit card rewards are easy to remember with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. [ both ] 2% back on groceries. [ all ] 3% on gas. no hoops to jump through. i earn more cash back on the things i buy the most. [ woman ] it's as easy as...
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it is 30 minutes past the hour. welcome back, everyone, i'm randi kaye. thanks for starting your day with us. here's stories we're watching. that's what a law enforcement source tells cnn. turkish police say the bomber was this man, a member of a radicalist leftist group. in 1997, he attacked turkish police headquarters. a security guard was killed when the bomber blew him up in ankara yesterday, a journalist was injured. taliban militants are claiming responsibility for a deadly attack on an army base in northwest pakistan. authorities say at least six
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soldiers and a dozen militants were killed. tenancivillians also died when one of the militants went into a nearby house and blew himself up. the obama administration is offering a compromise to faith-based groups on birth control. it's proposing revised guidelines that would allow them to opt out of federal requirements that they provide their employees with health insurance coverage for contraceptives under the new health care reform law. women who work for faith-affiliated hospitals, universities, and other institutions could still receive contraceptives through separate health policies at no charge. robert menendez is facing an ethics probe about whether he accepted improper gifts from a prominent donor. he acknowledges he flew on the man's private plane several times through the dominican republic, but insists the trips were paid for appropriately. he's also strongly denied allegations he had sex parties with prostitutes in the caribbean. fbi agents search the donors' offices this week. the raid was sparked when a
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shredding truck was spotted on the property. well, it is official, john kerry now the u.s. secretary of state. he was sworn in yesterday by supreme court justice as the top diplomat. he succeeds hillary clinton. and the now former secretary of state is waking up to a brand new life. but as she herself says, she may be calling up the state department to find out what's going on there. they packed the state department for her farewell. held signs saying thank you and cheered and applauded clinton. cnn's jill dougherty is at the state department. >> reporter: randi, secretary clinton's last day at the office included meetings, farewells, and a crisis. on her last afternoon as secretary of state, an emotional farewell to the state department staff hillary clinton led for four years. >> i will miss you, i will
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probably be dialing ops just to talk. i will wonder what you all are doing because i know that because of your efforts day after day, we are making a real difference. >> but early friday morning, even before she left her house, reports of a suicide bombing outside the u.s. embassy in ankara, turkey. clinton was briefed by her staff and then was driven to the state department where she called the u.s. ambassador to turkey and the turkish foreign minister. at the same time, senator john kerry, the man who within hours would succeed clinton as secretary of state was briefed by his staff on the attack. arriving at his senate office for the last time, kerry brushed off questions about the attack in turkey saying he was still a senator and wasn't going to get into that. >> as you know, though, we only
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have one secretary of state at a time. she's the sitting secretary until 4:00 and he will take over and take up his duties, obviously a difficult day for both of them for this to happen. >> hillary clinton, then, drove to the white house for a farewell meeting with president obama. she formally submitted a letter of resignation saying i am more convinced than ever in the strength and staying power of america's global leadership. and our capacity to be a force for good in the world. then, just hours before leaving the state department for good, more breaking news. riots at the presidential palace in egypt. >> secretary clinton -- >> but now for hillary clinton, private citizen, all that is in john kerry's hands. >> the new secretary of state already is planning his first official trip according to a u.s. official. john kerry expected to travel to israel and egypt, perhaps as soon as the middle of february.
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also, a western diplomat saying that he has been invited to some european capitals. >> jill dougherty, thank you very much. attorneys for jodi arias say she shot and killed her boyfriend in self-defense. and it seems the jurors have a lot of questions about the evidence. so what does it mean for this accused killer? we'll ask nancy grace. [ male announcer ] what are happy kids made of? bikes and balloons, wholesome noodles on spoons. a kite, a breeze, a dunk of grilled cheese. catches and throws, and spaghettio's. that's what happy kids are made of. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons.
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and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. or that printing in color had to cost a fortune. nobody said an all-in-one had to be bulky. or that you had to print from your desk. at least, nobody said it to us. introducing the business smart inkjet all-in-one series from brother. easy to use. it's the ultimate combination of speed, small size, and low-cost printing.
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we now know a dallas area
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prosecutor who was gunned down in broad daylight outside of a courthouse feared for his life according to a close friend. he was shot and killed thursday on his way to work, but his friend says he didn't say why he felt threatened. >> he said i've been threatened. i said, who's threatening you? he said i don't know. he had his gun on him when he would leave the courthouse. he said, you know, colleen, there are three exits to the courthouse. i go out a different exit every day now. and i have my gun drawn. and he said that when he came out, he would look both ways. >> today the police manhunt for possible suspects continues and police are offering a reward of more than $60,000 to find that man's killer. allegations of abuse, naked pictures, and murder. if you weren't awake yet, that
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should do it for you. we're talking about the jodi arias case. prosecutors in phoenix say she took naked pictures with her ex-boyfriend moments before shooting and stabbing him and slitting his throat. she claims self-defense. i spoke earlier with hln's nancy grace who has been in the courtroom for this gripping case all week. i do have to warn you, though, a couple of images are graphic. >> well, randi, there's always a chance for acquittal. we certainly learned that in the tot mom casey anthony trial and, of course, before that the o.j. simpson case. when you think the evidence is so incredibly strong for the state, then the jury can surprise you. so there's no doubt in my mind that an acquittal is lurking amongst the jurors. there's always that possibility. >> if not, though, do you see a second-degree murder charge? the death penalty? >> this jury has been all over the board. and this is how we know a little
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of their thinking, randi. in this jurisdiction in arizona, the jury is allowed to ask questions. i encountered that, as well. jurors were allowed to ask questions. it's a sterile setting. they write down their questions. they hand them to the bailiff who hands them to the judge. and if they are non-objectionable, such as they don't call for hearsay or some other problem under the law, the judge will ask them and ask the witness the question and the witness will answer. it's done under kind of lab conditions. but last week, we saw some very disturbing questions for the state. the jury was asking, randi, well, did you check out the roommates. they were asking this of the lead detective. what about travis alexander's roommates. what's their alibi? what were they doing? and the defense opening statement, randi, the defense lawyer said she did it. my client -- stabbed him to death. but the jury was still asking
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about alibis for the roommates. okay. that's not good. this week, it got a little more on the road. the jury started asking questions that were more feasible or understandable questions. i think that a murder two is a possibility. i think they could convict on murder one. one thing that's disturbing among many, randi, is that we uncovered that there was a point in time where jodi arias was begging to plead guilty to murder two to state under oath on the bible, i murdered travis alexander, murder two. when the state rejected that, she then switched her defense to self-defense. so this is a charade. >> it's always interesting to watch how the defendant holds up. at one point, i know she broke down during the trial. how do you think she's doing? >> randi, she's like a water faucet. she cries on and off all the time.
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she typically cries when a discussion to the wounds for travis alexander is taking place or photos of him. all sliced up. and her hand. other than that, she's remained pretty stoic. she's usually looking down. every time i've seen her and i was about maybe 15, 20 feet away from her and watched her the entire time. she'll pull all this hair down like a shower curtain over her face so the jury doesn't see her face and she writes and doodles. some of those doodles have gone on ebay and they're asking almost $2,000 for a jodi arias courtroom doodle. she has her chair screwed down, it's an adjustable chair, an office chair, and you can see the chair backs, and she's sitting way down beside her two lawyers to make her look even more. she's gotten some glasses,
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she'll push them up every once in a while, but never makes eye contact with anyone. >> do you think she'll take the stand? >> you know, randi, that's the million dollar question. conventional wisdom is never place your client on the stand because it's not worth whatever they say, what will happen to them on cross-examination. i don't know if you ever heard this quote. better to remain silent and let others think than to speak and confirm their suspicions. well, that goes for guilty too. better to let them wonder if you're guilty than get up on the stand and choke up so badly on cross-examination and they know you're guilty. but since she's arguing self-defense, that's a conundrum, because no one else can explain to the jury what happened that day in the shower, at least her version, other than her. a huge big deal and a bombshell. next hour, nancy grace talks about the headline that came out this week about another case. and here's a hint, it involves a
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child beauty queen. love them or hate them, veggies are so good for you and could reduce your chances of heart disease, the number one killer in the western world. we will explain. and here we have desiree nathanson.'d it go? well, dad, i spent my childhood living with monks learning the art of dealmaking. you've mastered
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it is february, heart month, and this story caught our eye. according to the "american journal of clinical nutrition," vegetarians are about a third less likely to die or need treatment as a result of heart disease, and here's why. heart disease is the number one killer in the western world. so this is why this is important, 83 million americans have some form of cardiovascular
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disease. and risk factors are at an all-time high. and if that doesn't convince you, listen to this. according to cdc, in 2010, the total cost of cardiovascular diseases in the u.s. were estimated to be $444 billion. fitness and nutrition expert desiree nathanson joins me now to talk about vegetables. we have a whole lot of vegetables here. >> yeah. >> i could dive right into this table. this is me. but let's talk about this meatless diet, right? it could be hard for some americans to swallow, right? >> definitely. >> but there are some healthy vegetables they can start with, maybe baby steps? >> yes, absolutely. >> what do you recommend? >> these are all great choices here. we have some corn, which tends to be a starchier vegetable. carrots are wonderful, and kale is the new super food. >> let's start with kale.
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tell me why it's amazing for you and tell me why you shouldn't have too much of it. >> with kale and spinach and other dark leafy greens, they tend to have oxletes, just because something's good for you, doesn't mean you want to eat that entire bin right there in one sitting. >> okay. good to know. broccoli, i'm a big fan of broccoli. not as a kid, though. >> yeah. >> this has protein, right? >> yes, dark, leafy green vegetables has protein. and people think they have to sit down and eat a steak to get protein, but if you're getting 2, 3, 4 grams here and there, you'll end up with a nice amount at the end of the day. >> and asparagus, how nutritious is that? >> wonderful. again, lots of vitamins and minerals. if you eat a rainbow of vegetables, you've got your -- >> it's a diuretic too, right? >> but so is water. >> that's true. that's true. there's some other good stuff in there. >> yes, definitely. >> we came across this rumor floating out there.
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can these vegetables actually help you burn fat? i mean is that true? >> i'm so glad you asked that, randi. no, there is no fat-burning food. and like the state farm commercial on now saying if it's on the internet, it must be true. it is not. >> why does everybody say that? this can help you burn fat. does it increase your me ttabolm in any way? >> no. but if you're eating a diet rich in vegetables, lean meats, whole grains -- >> you're fuller longer, right? >> you're eating more calories. this is very few calories, but it's a lot of food. you're going to be eating more, but less calories, slimming down with a balanced diet. >> that's why we think, oh, this is healthy. >> and a good fat burner, exercise. >> no. >> yes. >> oh, come on. my coach versus exercise. i don't know. all right. so let's talk about some of the pros and cons of meatless eating for those who might be
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considering it. what do you think? >> you have to be an educated vegetarian. i was a vegetarian for a very long time. i was a dumb vegetarian. i ate cheese, macaroni and cheese, pastas, bread, and when i started eating meat again i lost weight because -- >> i eat a lot like this, but then you always wonder, you know, is it okay? are you getting enough protein? >> as long as you're getting beans, lentils, so you have to be educated and research. >> so for someone who is considering trying to cut back on meat and red meat in particular, it mean, there's a lot of restaurants do this meatless monday kind of thing. what are your tips? what would you encourage people to do to try to cut back? >> well, if you order a steak or even chicken sometimes they put two chicken breasts or an entree or giant steak. cut back right there. that could be two or three servings. save meat for dinner.
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rely on dairy, legunes, beans and rice. >> keep the protein to a minimum, right? >> yes. you want to have, for your plate, if you have a plate, you want a full plate. half of it fruit and veggies. fruit is wonderful too, and a quarter of it protein and a quarter of it starchy foods. >> all right. excellent, great advice. >> eat the rainbow. >> i think i do eat the rainbow every day. nice to see you, thank you very much. >> thank you, randi. >> and check out more health and fitness tips on my blog, all eyes are on the sleepy little town of punxsutawney, pennsylvania, this morning. that is because we're waiting to see if punxsutawney phil is going to pop out of his hole in the next 30 minutes or so and tell us if we'll have a long winter. no computer models, no satellite imaging, just little phil, his shadow, and thousands of people gathered there for the festivities. we'll take you back to
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punxsutawney later as phil gets closer to waking up. >> over here in the back, that person needs to come up and tell us. [ wind howls ] [ dog barks ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] something powerful is coming. ♪ see it on february 3rd.
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then you're going to love this. right now they're only $14.95! wow-a grt deal just got a whole lot better. hurry. $14.95 won't last. . you've got to be able to laugh at yourself, right? well, let's give it a try, shall we? cnn recently named a new president, former nbc chairman jeff zucker. he has shaken things up a little bit. and in case he isn't done making changes, david letterman weighed in this week with a few more suggestions. >> okay. here we go. changes now at cnn. number ten, the "situation room" now hosted by the situation.


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